Name : ……MNS……………………………… Time : 90 min
INSTRUCTION :- Read questions carefully. Each question contains 1 marks.
1. Identify the antonym of the given word‖
(a) cheerless (c) quiet
✅(b) defamatory (d) Inadmirable
2. Identify the synonym of the given word.
(a) Selfless (c) Follower
✅(b) Foolish (d) Pioneer
3. Choose the correct word.
✅(a) Parallel (c) Parralel
(b) Parrallel (d) Paralel
4. Give one word substitute.
A handwriting which cannot be easily read
(a) Eligible (c) elligible
(b) Fault ✅(d) Illegible
5. Fill in the blank with suitable conjunction.
He would rather die ……beg.
(a) but (c) if
(b) since ✅(d) than
6. Fill in the blank with suitable word.
Had he known about his bad health, he …… have taken
adequate care.
(a) should (c) shall
✅(b) would (d) will
7. Identify the correct preposition.
Out villagers voted …… the congress candidate.
✅(a) for (c) of
(b) to (d) by
8. Select the correct verb.
She talks as if she …… mad.
(a) is ✅(c) were
(b) was (d) had
9. One word substitution
One who does good to one‘s fellow men
(a) philologist (c) opaque
(b) philistine ✅(d) philanthropist
10. Form an adjective from the given word.
(a) The experience (c) experience
✅(b) experienced (d) experiencing
11. Identify the incorrect part.
The crowd of angry students
✅(a) / ordered the
(b) / closing of shops
(c)/No error
12. Identify the meaning of the given idioms,/phrases.
To set the people by ears
(a) to punish heavily
(b) to insult and disgrace people
(c) to box the people
✅(d) to excite people to a quarrel
13. Change the voice.
(a) The suspect is being seen in several cities.
(b) The suspect has been the people in several cities.
✅(c) The suspect is claimed to have been seen in several
(d) The suspect was seen by people in several cities.
14. Identify the correct choice.
He knew that social evils were only …… of deeper
(a) cause (c) part
(b) indications ✅(d) manifestations
15. Give the plural of the given word.
(a) roofes (c) roofas
(b) rofs ✅(d) roofs
16. Identify the indirect speech.
He said to me, ―Are you a student?‖
✅(a) He asked me whether I was a student.
(b) He said to me are you a student.
(c) He said me are you a student.
(d) He asked to me are you a student.
17. Fill in the blank with correct article‖
He can play on …… violin.
(a) an ✅(c) the
(b) a (d) None of these
Direction (18-23): Read the following Passage-I & Passage-
II and give the answer.
The idea of evolution (which is a gradual change) was not a
new one. The Greeks had thought of it, so had Erasmus
Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, and also the
Frenchman, Lamarck. It is one thing to have an idea; we can
all guess and sometimes make a lucky guess. It is quite
another thing tc produce a proof of the correctness of that
idea. Darwin thought he had that proofin his notebooks. He
saw that all animals had to struggle to survive. Those which
were best at surviving their environment passed on the good
qualities which helped them to their descendants. This was
called ‗the survival of the fittest‘. For example, in a cold
climate, those who have the warmest fur witl live. Darwin
believed that this necessity for an animal to deal with its
environment explained the immense variety of creatures.
18. According to Darwinian thought, the world of animals
is marked by
(a) Peaceful coexistence
✅(b) A struggle for survival
(c) Indifference towards each other
(d) Love and friendship
19. The expression ‗the survival of the fittest, means that
✅(a) The strong will survive while the weak will perish
(b) The strong and the weak will live peacefully
(c) The strong will help the weak survive
(d) Both the strong and the weak will survive
20. At the time that Darwin arrived on the scene, the idea of
(a) Was an idea unheard of
(b) Had already been proved beyond doubt
✅(c) Had been thought of but not proved
(d) Was not thought fit for exploration
I felt the wall of the tunnel shiver. The master alarm
squealed through my earphones. Almost simultaneously,
Jack yelled down to me that there was a warning light on.
Fleeting but spectacular sights snapped into and out of view,
the snow, the shower of debris, the moon, looming close and
big, the dazzling sunshine for once unfiltered by layers of
air. The last twelve hours before re-entry were particular
bone-chilling. During this period, I had to go up in to
command module. Even after the fiery re-entry splashing
down in 81o water in south pacific, we could still see our
frosty breath inside the command module.
21. The word 'Command Module' used twice in the given
passage indicates perhaps that it deals with
(a) a frightful battle
✅(b) a journey into outer space
(c) a commanding situation
(d) an alarming journey
22. Which one of the following reasons would one consider
as more as possible for the warning lights to be on?
✅(a) A catastrophe was imminent.
(b) The moon was looming close and big.
(c) There was a shower of debris.
(d) Jack was yelling.
23. The statement that the dazzling sunshine was "for once
unfiltered by layers of air" means
(a) that the sun was very hot
(b) that there was no strong wind
(c) that the air was unpolluted
✅(d) none of above
Directions (24-28) : In the questions from 4 to 8, some of
the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out
which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the option
corresponding to it (a, b, c). If a sentence is free from errors,
then your answer is (d) i.e. No error.
24. The salt spray has gradually ………the bridge.
(a) Sprite (b) Ravaged
(c) Demolished ✅(d) Eroded
25. The volcanic …………was the cause of
(a) Outburst ✅(b) Eruption
(c) Erosion (d) Movement
26. It was impossible to recover the victims‘
as the place of the accident was………
✅(a) Inaccessible (b) Marshy
(c) Distant
(d) Rocky
27. In order to maintain good health one
eat a ……… diet
(a) Rich (b) Spicy
✅(c) Balanced (d) Salty
28. As a result of …………………..many unsuitable
candidates were selected for the posts.
(a) Tolerance ✅(b) Favoritism
(c) Humility
(d) Weakness
Directions (29-30) : In the following questions, sentences
are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate
option. Four options are suggested for each question.
Choose the correct option out of the four Or fill in the
blanks with appropriate word from given alternatives.
29. ____ your instruction, we have closed your bank
(a) In lieu ✅(c) In accordance with
(b) With regard to (d) On account of
30. ____ she is clever, she often makes mistakes.
(a) Despite ✅(c) Although
(b) Since (d) Yet
Direction(31-32): CHANGE direct into indirect
31. Pawan said to me, "If I hear any news, I'll phone you."
(a) Pawan told me that if he heard any news, he will
phone me.
(b) Pawan told me that if he will hear my news, he will
phone me.
(c) Pawan told me that if he had heard any news, he
would phone me.
✅(d) Pawan told me that if he heard any news, he would
phone me.
32. He said, "I cannot help you at present because I am
myself in difficulty."
(a) He said that I cannot help you at present because I
myself in difficulty.
✅(b) He said that he could not help me at present
because he was himself in difficulty.
(c) He told that he could not help you at present
because he was himself in difficulty.
(d) He asked that he could not help you at present
because he was himself in difficulty.
Direction(33-34): Some proverbs/idioms are given below
together with their meanings. Choose the correct meaning of
proverb/idiom, If there is no correct meaning given, E (i.e.)
'None of these' will be the answer.
33. To be above board
(a) To have a good height
✅(b) To be honest in any business deal
(c) They have no debts
(d) To try to be beautiful
34. To put one's hand to plough
(a) To take up agricultural farming
✅(b) To take a difficult task
(c) To get entangled into unnecessary things
(d) Take interest in technical work
Direction (35-36): In questions given below out of four
alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the
given word/sentence.
35. A person pretending to be somebody he is not
(a) Magician (c) Liar
(b) Rogue ✅(d) Imposter
36. A person who knows many foreign languages
✅(a) Linguist (c) Polyglot
(b) Grammarian (d) Bilingual
37. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
(a) Archiology (c) Archeaology
✅(b) Archaeology (d) Archealogy
38. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
(a) Assassenation (c) Assasination
✅(b) Assassination. (d) Asassination
39. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
(a) Autonomouse (c) Autonomes
✅(b) Autonomous (d) Autonomus
40. Spelling test - find correct spelling :
✅(a) Admissible (c) Admissiblle
(b) Admisible (d) Addmissible
41. Our National tree is the …………………..
(a) Neem tree (c) Apple tree
✅(b) Banyan tree (d) none
42. What difference does the 5th generation computer have
from other generation computers?
✅(a) Technological advancement
(b) Scientific code
(c) Object Oriented Programming
(d) All of the above
(e) None of the above
43. The Assam government has recently signed MoU with
which country for skilling state's youth?
✅(a) Singapore (c) United Kingdom
(b) Thailand (d) Indonesia
44. The First Indian Dog Breed to be trained for Army
✅(a) Mudhol Hound (c) Tibetian Mastiff
(b) Rampur Greyhound (d) Jonangi
45. Name the Indian state which signed sister-state
agreement with Indiana, a State in the US?
(a) Assam (c) Kerala
✅(b) Karnataka (d) Manipur
46. Which Iraqi scientist known as Dr. Germ for her role in
Iraqs biological weapons programme recently
surrendered to coalition forces ?
(a) Maleeha Lodhi (c) Saleema Garib
(b) Salma Pervez ✅(d) Rihab Rashid Taha
47. Kishori Amonkar is famous in which of the following
fields ?
(a) Dance (c) Social service
✅(b) Music (d) Film acting
48. Where is Dead Sea situated in the following continents?
(a) Europe ✅(c) Asia
(b) Australia (d) Africa
49. Which of the following industries is most developed in
the Great Lakes region of North America?
(a) Cement and Paper
✅(b) Steel and Engineering
(c) Film industry
(d) Textile and Chemicals
50. In the following series which is the 8th letter to the right
of 16th letter from your left?
(a) K (d) W
✅(b) Y (e) None of these
(c) X
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